Bipartite Os Peroneum

By |2023-06-14T10:46:24+10:00April 26th, 2023|Foot pain, Tendonosis|

Blog's main page Approximately 10% of the population have Os Peroneum, an accessory bone in the peroneus longus tendon. It is typically located adjacent to the cuboid as the tendon delves into the plantar foot. Most of these are asymptomatic, but, in certain situations, they can lead to symptoms. Symptoms may occur when the fibrous attachments [...]

Subungual exostoses

By |2023-04-26T10:00:43+10:00April 26th, 2023|Diagnosis, Foot pain, Ingrown Toenails|

Blog's main page This is one of a few subungual exostoses I see regularly throughout the year. Often when I see these cases, they have been treated as an ingrown toenail for some time. I find they have a very particular appearance (a firm fibrous/callus on top) and sit just under the nail. Sometimes they can [...]

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