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interdigital corn (photo and x-rays; images by Sydney Foot and Ankle Surgeon Damien Lafferty

This patient, who was referred to me for an opinion, had a markedly painful corn on the medial 5th toe that was becoming more symptomatic.

On the pre-operative X-ray, it can be seen that she has a congenital ankylosed DIPJ of the 5th toe. This tends to make the toe less flexible and leads it to sit under the 4th, causing the medial distal phalanx of the 5th toe to dig into the lateral 4th toe, with subsequent corn formation.

An arthroplasty with a distal medial minimally invasive burring of the medial phalanx was carried out. This should allow for quick recuperation and complete eradication of the corn.

If you have any specific questions or would like to discuss similar cases, feel free to contact me.

Also read:
Heloma Molle (interdigital corn)
Interdigital ulcer success
Heloma molle/soft corn
Interdigital corn

(This content is intended for healthcare professionals only)