Over 20 years experience as a podiatric surgeon
Modern Foot Surgery
Foot surgery has markedly improved over recent years. Traditionally foot surgery has been extremely painful and the results were poor and often temporary. As long as modern proven techniques are utilised pain in most cases is completely controlled, incisions are minimal and positive long term results are now achievable.
Bunion surgery is now day surgery, pain is controlled with small incisions and positive long term results.
A bunion is a bony prominence on the inside of the big toe joint. It is actually a change in position of a bone called the first metatarsal and not solely a bone growing out of the foot. Pain often occurs from shoe pressure, although as the bunion increases arthritis often develops and the pain can become deep and aching.
Big Toe Joint Arthritis
One of the most common conditions a foot surgeon will see is a painful, stiff big toe joint.
There are various names for this condition, and you may see it written as “Hallux Limitus” or “Hallux Rigidus“. The medical name for the big toe is the hallux, and when there is less or limited range of motion, it is called hallux limitus. When stiff and more advanced it is known as hallux rigidus.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenail surgery can be done on the same day, under local anaesthetic and is pain free with permanent results.
Ingrown toenails are very common and often very painful. Typically ingrown toenail surgery was very painful and required hospitalisation. This does not have to be the case with contemporary podiatric surgery. Modern ingrown toenail surgery is in most cases pain free during and pain free afterwards.
Wart removal can be done on the same day, under local anaesthetic, with no stitching and no pain.
Warts, plantar warts or verrucae pedis are growths on the skin that are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Plantar warts can be very unsightly and often painful especially when located on weight bearing surfaces. Commonly they will gradually increase in size, multiply and spread to the opposite foot or other people.
A hammertoe is a retraction or clawing of the toes.
The toes are named one to five with the big toe being one and the little tope being five.
The toes begin to bend and often pull back. The toes should ideally be straight with a possible very slight bend. This bend should be flexible or what we call reducible. You should be able to push the toes straight.
Typically the bend or retraction will be slight and gradual with increasing deformity and rigidity as time goes on.